Consumer Accounts

Make bank and card payments like locals on your travels

Consumer Accounts

Visa/MC/National Digital Card Accounts

End users can enable Visa, Mastercard and other national scheme proprietary Digital Card Accounts to perform Tap-to-Pay and In-App payments at any merchant app or physical location accepting the card schemes. Our IPosUp app is Visa and Mastercard Ready to generate HCE standards based Digital Card Accounts.

Multi-currency Ecash Bank Accounts 

The issuance of Ecash Bank Accounts denominated in currencies such as INR, GBP, EUR and KSH enables end users to scan QR Codes in physical stores on their travels as well as perform In-App and E-commerce real-time payments. We put the Sponsor Bank Issuer in the forefront thoughts of their customers, by enabling on behalf of the Bank, consumer and merchant national currency bank accounts linked to digital HCE debit cards.